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SPEN hosts ENA Open Networks Stakeholder Event


As part of the Energy Networks Association (ENA), we are helping shape the future of the energy industry, working collaboratively with other DNOs to map the road to becoming a Distribution System Operator (DSO).

Open Networks

Infographic showing Flexible Networks linking to Decarbonisation of heat and transport, changing customer behaviour, community energy, and resilience and security.

We’ve played a leading role since the start of the Open Networks Project, and this week hosted an ENA stakeholder event at our HQ Auditorium to engage key industry players on the Future Worlds Impact Assessment consultation.

This consultation asks for feedback on the findings and conclusions drawn by independent consultants Baringa Partners LLP on the Future Worlds identified as part of the project’s first consultation.

The event was opened by Scott Mathieson, SPEN Director of Network Planning & Regulation, who emphasised how important the Open Networks project is to the future of our industry and how central the voice of our stakeholders and customers is to its success.

Open Networks

Open Networks Project Director Jason Brogden from the ENA then talked of how the Open Networks project will transform the way both local distribution and national transmission networks will operate and work for customers, and of how its being driven by the 3 D’s; digitisation, decentralisation and decarbonisation. He highlighted the benefits it will bring to consumers, that the project is key to delivering Government policy set out in the Ofgem and BEIS Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan, and that there will be a ‘learn-by-doing’ approach using innovation funding to trial and test the various aspects of the future system options.

We then heard from Stewart Reid from Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), who heads up Workstream 3 which looks at the DSO Transition Future Worlds. Stewart introduced the key attributes of each world, the various network interactions which would take place under each, and also gave us a snapshot of the Future Worlds ‘Actors’ – i.e. the twenty three stakeholder groups developed in these worlds.

Stakeholder Groups referred to as 'Actors'

Infographic showing a variety of stakeholder groups, including agents, suppliers, customers, DNOs, regulators and owners

Infographic showing the following stakeholder groups: DNO/DSO, settlement agent, flexibility coordinator, supplier, aggregator, independent distributor SO, distributed energy source, local energy systems, local market operator, electricity SO, customer, transmission connected demand, transmission owner, independent distribution network operator, heat, gas, consumer protection party, supply chain, north east west south area consortium, regulator, government,data communications company.

Perhaps key to the entire event were the views from Duncan Sinclair from Baringa Partners LLP on their impact assessment methodology and key findings. Their assessment of the Future Worlds defined by the ENA was completely independent, and combined a quantitative assessment of costs and benefits with a qualitative assessment across wide ranging criteria, all informed by stakeholder feedback. They made clear that throughout their research they were not looking to pick a particular World, but instead to understand different strengths and weaknesses across each.

The event not only provided a great face-to-face opportunity for key stakeholders to have direct discussions with SPEN, the ENA and Baringa on the overall Open Networks Project, but for each of us to highlight the importance of their feedback on the consultation. It is absolutely vital we gather as many views as possible from a breadth of stakeholder groups, and so having the chance to host guests from the likes of AMSC, Strathclyde University, TEF, Beattie & Sneddon and SGS to name a few, and to encourage their input is an invaluable opportunity.

If you’d like to read more on the Open Networks Project, the Impact Assessment and current Future World’s Impact Assessment consultation, or indeed find out how to respond as part of the consultation yourself, you can view a briefing document which provides the background.

We’ll be continuing to share more on the Open Networks Project moving forward, and will also be talking more in the coming weeks and months on our work to establish ourselves as a DSO.


We have published our next Transmission Business Plan (RIIO-T3)

Publishing our next Transmission Business Plan (RIIO-T3) is a significant milestone for our transmission business and the journey to Net Zero, enabling a more sustainable future for us all.

View our RIIO-T3 Business Plan

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