Our Future Networks team presented 9 of their projects at the largest Distribution Network Operator Conference in the calendar year last week; the Low Carbon Networks & Innovation Conference (LCNI).
The conference which took place shares the knowledge on key learning from projects awarded under the LCN Fund, NIA and NIC funding mechanisms. These projects include key themes such as Innovative Distributed Generation, Customer Engagement, LV Network Management and many more.
The conference provides unparalleled networking opportunities as well as this years ‘smart grid’ demonstration, network operator film screening and the network operator poster sessions. For more information on the event please click here (opens in a new window).
SP Energy Networks attended the conference to share knowledge on our current and future projects. Euan Norris, Senior Project Manager, presented our project Accelerating Renewable Connections.
John Moffat, Knowledge Transfer Lead attended the event and explains that the conference was a fantastic success:
"It was great to hear the progress being made, now to demonstrate we can get it into business as usual"
The photo (right) shows Jeremy Sainsbury, Director of Natural Power, telling the audience that Renewable Developers require 'Distributed Network operators to keep pace with the changes in the industry.