We’re encouraging parents to power up our 'PowerWise' educational resource to help support children’s learning from home during COVID-19. The online resource aims to raise awareness of power safety among families with kids and young people.
The PowerWise website aims to help children to understand how electricity is generated, distributed and how to stay safe around it. The lesson ideas are fully interactive and engaging with different activities for kids in their early years, primary school and secondary school. The activities and challenges are also all linked to the national curricula.
There are lots of fun and educational activities for children to enjoy while at home. Children can choose between taking on a safety, environment or science mission where through different types of tasks they can learn more about safety, biodiversity, fuelling the future, and the science behind electricity.

There is an exciting mission to suit every child with challenges ranging from designing a fun comic strip, recording their own podcast or even taking part in electrifying experiments from home.
Carina Little, mum of two youngsters in Dumfries and Galloway called Orla and Ellis, said: "It's hard keeping your kids entertained during lockdown and educational activities are important to pass the time. Orla and Ellis loved the PowerWise mini-missions and learned lots about where electricity comes from. It's the perfect way to get them inspired by science."
Craig Arthur, Director at SP Energy Networks, said: "We know parents are looking for ways to inspire their kids and keep them busy for hours on end, so we're making resources available online to help keep bright sparks entertained with fun, hands-on activities that can be done at home. We've also included interactive mini-missions specifically designed for kids that explain complicated science and technology in a really simple and fun way. We would love to hear what parents, carers and kids think of PowerWise, so post your PowerWise feedback and comments on our SP Energy Networks Twitter and Facebook pages using the hashtag #powerwise.”
Find out more about PowerWise by visiting powerwise.org.uk and for any questions or feedback on the resource visit our Twitter page or Facebook page.
Customers who have received a letter from the NHS advising them that they are ‘at risk’ and should take additional measures to protect themselves from COVID-19 are being advised to sign up for our Priority Services Register. This provides free additional services to customers in vulnerable circumstances if there is an unexpected power cut. They should sign up at spenergynetworks.co.uk or text PSR to 61999.
In the event of a power cut, you should call the national 105 emergency number no matter who you pay your bill to.
Find out more information about how SP Energy Networks is responding to COVID-19.