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Ensuring our communities are supported in the journey to Net Zero


Back in 2022 we launched the £5 million Net Zero Fund to support vulnerable communities across Central and Southern Scotland to ensure no one is left behind when it comes to Net Zero and so far, the fund has supported 36 community organisations and charities.

The fund aims to support local communities to achieve their Net Zero targets and ensure steps are taken to help communities with the transition to cleaner energy solutions. The fund will also support green projects and provide opportunities for local communities to enhance energy efficiency whilst working to meet government targets.

Securing funding is a critical step towards achieving local Net Zero goals, yet it's not the only piece of the puzzle. We recognise that some communities require additional guidance to craft their project plans and so our Net Zero Fund provides essential support. Through targeted Net Zero workshops and dedicated project planning and feasibility support, we empower communities to transform their Net Zero ideas into feasible projects.

The first general Net Zero workshop was delivered in 2023 to demystify Net Zero for community representatives. This workshop introduced over 70 people to Net Zero options that they can consider when decarbonising their homes and communities. We also hosted a Net Zero webinar for communities which introduced the concept of Net Zero, the technologies available, and where they can start on their Net Zero journey. The recording is available to watch on our website at General Net Zero Workshops - SP Energy Networks.  

The fund has also delivered 16 tailored community workshops with an ambition to help communities turn their ideas into actionable plans. Over 130 community representatives have attended these workshops which explored different routes to Net Zero and applications for the last round of workshops will open by the end of 2024.

The second phase of the fund offers project planning and feasibility support to those who need more guidance in formalising their plans. The expert support provided 14 eligible communities to firm up their ideas and collate formal project plans to get their projects ready for delivery.

To address gaps in funding and ensure that communities can access much-needed support, our first round of funding support opened last year. So far, a host of charities and organisations supporting communities across Scotland have been awarded funding, with projects ranging from the installation of solar panels and heat pumps, to the purchase of electric vehicles and retrofitting listed buildings, to increasing energy efficiency. This includes a local Scout Group to support hall renovations, Food Train who provide vital support to older people, and Govan Heritage Trust who will use the funding to install a river source heat pump at Govan Old Church.

With over £1 million already granted to seven projects in the first round, the fund is enabling community groups to deliver projects that will drive decarbonisation in their area. Our second round of funding is now underway and successful projects will kick off their delivery later this year.  

For more information about the fund, visit

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